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Updated: Sep 14, 2023

Originally written in Spanish.

On the weekend of September 16 and 17, a new event will take place in Spain: a yarn festival in Soria, thanks to an initiative presented at the city's town hall. The person who presented this initiative is Myriam. She's a knitter, podcaster, member of the Castilian-Leonese knitters group, and the festival's organizer.

Since there are few yarn stores in the area, Myriam's idea is to offer a space where festival goers can buy yarn and meet other crafters. This initiative was the most voted proposal within the participatory budgets. The city council approved the project and is offering support for the new Soria Wool Festival.

Soria and wool

Soria has a history with wool. The town is located in Castilla, the cradle of Merino wool, where the sheep dominated in past centuries. The sheep migrated to reach the area where they were sheared and passed through the town. The city of Soria had three wool washers, where the processing began, and the fiber was exported to many destinations. In fact, the location chosen for the festival is one of the old wool washers in the city.

a two-story building with stone walls
The festival's venue.

Festival details

Admission is free, and the festival has an official knitting project. It’s a single skein shawl by Patricia Junquera, a crescent-shaped shawl with a herringbone lace edge, referencing the environment. The festival has organized a KAL for the project, and you can see many finished projects on Ravelry.

a colorful knitted lace shawl
Soria Yarn Festival's official knitting project.

The exhibitors are Spanish, and wool and accessories will be sold. The festival will also have several activities and talks given by breeders, wool processors, and dyers, as well as projects and book presentations.

It’s a festival for all all ages and will include activities for children. In the surroundings, there are parks and walking areas on the banks of the Duero River. You can rent a boat and work on a project while sailing.

The Soria Wool Festival seeks to supports the recovery of merino wool in the area and is a can't-miss event for fiber enthusiasts and exhibitors.

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